Following on from last week’s blog which focused on the pros and cons of certain anti-obesity medications, we are going to continue the topic by diving into some of the most commonly asked questions with regard to these medicines.
One of the questions I get asked the most is:
Long-term weight loss is extremely challenging, even with lifestyle changes.Only around 5% of people are able to lose 20% of their body weight with lifestyle changes alone.
So while you may benefit from short-term weight loss, your hormones often end up working against you,...
We’re all familiar with obesity being linked to issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure but the skin consequences of obesity remain inadequately discussed.
I was delighted to interview dermatologist Dr. Cris Berlingeri, to help us better understand how...
Pediatric obesity is now of epidemic proportions in the United States, with 1 in 5 children meeting the definition of pediatric obesity. Even more concerning is that minoritized populations, including black populations and Hispanic populations, have closer to 1 in 4 children meeting...
When it comes to healthy and sustainable ways to lose weight, nothing works without a comprehensive approach. These key pillars of weight management are exactly the sorts of medical and lifestyle factors you would expect to discuss if you worked with an obesity medicine...
Obesity is a chronic lifelong condition, which unfortunately has no cure, although there are many good treatments, medications, surgery, and lifestyle interventions.
There are millions of ways you can lose weight, but not very many of them are evidence-based or sustainable,...