$249.00 USD

Blood Sugar Mastermind with Matthea Rentea MD

 In this exclusive program you’ll learn proven techniques to help manage your blood sugar for life so you can reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve your mood, and feel more energized!

Hi! My name is Dr. Matthea Rentea MD, a board certified Internal Medicine and Obesity Medicine physician, diplomate of the American Board of Obesity Medicine, and advanced certified weight loss coach.

For a long time, people believed that only diabetics should care about glucose levels. 

But after working with thousands of patients, I’ve realized it is blood sugar regulation which lies at the heart of so many of my patients’ struggles. Properly managed blood sugar can have a life-changing impact on weight management, mood regulation, sleep quality, food cravings, inflammation reduction, brain fog, gut health, hormone management, fatigue levels - and so much more!. 

When a patient with PCOS came to me and told me how much she was struggling with her weight and high blood sugar levels…

I will never forget the look on her face when just two simple changes to her daily routine had reversed her prediabetes and helped her to lose weight in just 6 months.

Because I have seen first hand how highly individualized blood sugar management is, I intentionally designed the Blood Sugar Mastermind to encourage participants to customize their approach to blood sugar and weight loss management.  

And sometimes it’s about working smarter, not harder. 

Which is exactly why I developed this course – to empower women to conquer insulin resistance, and unlock a host of health benefits such as sustained energy levels, weight management, mood stability, and improved long-term well-being.

With this program, you'll gain the tools and knowledge to tailor a lifestyle that aligns with your health goals, whether that means achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, enhancing mental clarity, or boosting your overall vitality.

Sound good?   

Type 2 diabetes is a growing epidemic with over 1 billion people in the world with prediabetes or full blown type 2 diabetes. Preventing it should be a top priority.

Research has shown that elevated blood sugar and insulin resistance are also associated with:

  • A 12-fold increased risk of developing cancer 
  • A 5-fold increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s 
  • A 6-fold increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease 

Learning to manage your glucose levels will help you avoid developing Type 2 diabetes if you don’t yet have it.

Most people who do not have diabetes will still experience glucose spikes and can feel symptoms from dysregulated glucose levels.

Does any of this sound familiar?

You find yourself often:

  • Experiencing food cravings throughout the day
  • Being more tired than you’d wish and needing coffee just to make it through the day
  • Getting hungry only a couple of hours after eating
  • Unable to concentrate or frequently suffering from “brain fog”
  • Having difficulty sleeping
  • Experiencing regular mood swings
  • Suffering from digestive issues such as constipation

These are some of the most obvious signs that you might have blood sugar imbalances.

And with each additional glucose spike that we experience, our risk of heart disease increases, even if we don't have diabetes or prediabetes.

Learning to balance your glucose levels is critical. It can stabilize your energy levels today, while preventing health issues tomorrow.

Ready to be the scientist of your own body?

You do not need to be pre-diabetic or diabetic to learn from this mastermind course! 

Everyone is welcome regardless of medical status, and I can guarantee you you're going to learn something new here.


So if you:

  • Have tried everything else and still aren't seeing the results you want
  • Like to learn at your own pace
  • Appreciate a wealth and variety of topics and knowledge
  • Want information from an array of expert physicians

If you’ve nodded your head to any of these, then it’s time to get started on your journey to mastering blood sugar management!


However, if you:

  • Want to receive in-person care (the course is fully virtual)
  • Do not want to take full ownership of your health
  • Suffer from untreated eating disorders or untreated mental health concerns
  • Do not currently have a healthcare provider
  • Are looking for a quick fix to solve your weight loss problems

Then this mastermind may not be for you.

If you’re still on the fence about joining and want to see if it's right for you, please reach out to [email protected] and I’d be happy to discuss further!


Here’s what you’ll get inside the Blood Sugar Mastermind:

  • 6 weeks-worth of training videos featuring Dr. Rentea and 7 guest physicians with a variety of specialties and backgrounds
  • Access to course materials via the course website, including: the Blood Sugar Mastermind Workbook and the Blood Sugar Mastermind Handouts and Resources
  • Access to the Private Mastermind Podcast, including bonus Q&As with Dr. Rentea


Course Content Overview:

Here is the breakdown of the course material:

  • Week One: The Physiology of Blood Sugar with Dr. Matthea Rentea

Bonus Call: Stop the Cycle: Caring about blood sugar for yourself and family with Dr. Tami Hannon (Endocrinologist)

  • Week Two: The Nuts and Bolts of Food: Quality of food and timing with Dr. Matthea Rentea

Bonus Call: Lower Carb Tips, Tricks & Hacks Hour with Dr. Daisy and Dr. Matthea 

  • Week Three: Getting Movin’: Muscle and movement with Dr. Matthea Rentea

Bonus Call: Preventing Muscle Loss and Getting Moving Q/A with Dr. Ali Novitsky

  • Week Four: What stress does to the body with Dr. Matthea Rentea

Bonus Call: All Blocked Up and Nowhere to Go.. Constipation management in the Real World with Rebecca Rentea MD, MS, MBA, FAAP, FACS, and Sorina Rentea DC, DABCI

  • Week Five: Body Composition and Blood Sugar Tracking with Dr. Matthea Rentea 

Bonus Call: Women's Health: What happens in menopause Q/A with Dr. Andrea Rentea

  • Week Six: Hidden Calories and Unintended Consequences: Drinks, Condiments, Salad Dressing, Eating Out, “Healthy” Foods and the Social Impact of Food 

Bonus Call: Roundtable Conversation About How we Featured it Out with Dr. Matthea, Dr. Daisy, Dr. Cris and Amanda


7-Day Guarantee

As someone who has struggled with weight their whole life, I’ve invested in a lot of programs myself that have not been a good fit for my personal health goals. And I want you to feel that the Blood Sugar Mastermind is exactly the right fit for you. If within the first week of the program, you discover it’s not a good fit, please email [email protected] to discuss a refund.

P.s. I get it. Investing in yourself is scary! But here’s the truth: if you want different results from what you’re getting now, you need to do something different.


Why are you calling this a mastermind?

Unlike a class in school, where you listen to the instructor and take a test at the end, a mastermind is designed to facilitate a transformation. You will benefit from: comprehensive resources, curated content, a focus on taking action, experimenting and troubleshooting help, and more.


How long do I have access to the materials?

You will have one year guaranteed access to the course from the date of purchase. I cannot guarantee the longevity of this program past that, as the products courses I offer are always changing and I'm always working hard to give you the most accurate and informative content!


If I’m not a patient of yours, can I still join?

Yes, this is a general program. There is NO medical advice being given during this program. By joining this program you are NOT establishing medical care with me.


What is the time commitment?

My philosophy is always "take what works and drop the rest." Within this course, you can go at your own pace; which means you can take your time taking in every video and resource, or jump around and find materials that resonate the most with your situation. I do recommend taking full advantage of as much of the material as possible because you're almost always guaranteed to learn something new that might help you in some way. There will be recommended goals and tasks as you work through the content, but you are welcome to use your discernment and choose what you want to spend time on.